Have been struggling to get rid of some old transactions in my WebSphere environment. We changed he BUS name, and for some odd reason there was one or more transactions that are beeing tried to finish.

[9/15/09 11:04:26:455 CEST] 00000031 XARecoveryDat W   WTRN0005W: The XAResource for a transaction participant could not be recreated and transaction recovery may not be able to complete properly. The resource was [com.ibm.ws.sib.ra.recovery.impl.SibRaXaResourceInfo@420485392 <busName=SIBUS> <meName=KKRCluster.000-SIBUS> <meUuid=B339C702D8C8A422> <userName=null> <password=null> <useServerSubject=false> <providerEndpoints=>]. The exception stack trace follows: com.ibm.ws.Transaction.XAResourceNotAvailableException: com.ibm.websphere.sib.exception.SIResourceException:


I tried to add the old bus again, but then WAS is missing the Message Engine... It will not finish and I have a loop....(sad)

I have tried to remove the FileStore files, but that did not fix it. Have to find a way to remove the transaction...

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