This option is on configuration page. If not set, default value is 59. What it means is that is will limite the amout of calls to GoogleApi withing 60 seconds. If the number of calls is abowe the intervalCap value within 60 seconds, it will be queued and get a delayed invocation. It should always be executed, but with some delay to avoid rate limit situations at Google.
Just play with it. The App need to be restrated after updating the value.
This should be used when utilizing 11. Fire and forget
How does it work
Every request to Google is put into a queue, where only one request at the time is executed. This is important in a fire and forget configuration. For some calls the order is important. And this will ensure that. Next is that the queue order will try to count request withing a spesific timeslot. This timeslot is fixed at 60 seconds, to match Google API free tier.
Next the configurable setting of intervalCap(acity) is adjustable for each user. The defaut value of 59 is to match the Gogle API free tier. If you experience rate limit. it can be because the algorithm at Google is different than the Easy Logger Queue, so in that case you can lower it and see it it works better for you
How can you tell ? If your flows are flow, or seems to hang, or misses data, it may be because of the rate limit, http code 429. Sending a diag to developer might help to sport if that is a possible reason.
Happy logging !