let timeOfJustNow = new Date();
let dayInMonth = timeOfJustNow.getDate();
let monthInYear = timeOfJustNow.getMonth()+1;
// it's only these 3 next lines you should upadet to match your requrements
let sheetName = 'Ark 8'; // put the name of your tab in your sheet
let startingColumnChar = 'D'; // set your coumn character for January
let startingRowNbr = 2; // set your starting row for the first day in month
// calulating the column, based on monthNumber
let column = String.fromCharCode( startingColumnChar.charCodeAt(0) + monthInYear);
let calulatedCellReference = sheetName + "!"+ column + (startingRowNbr + dayInMonth);
return calulatedCellReference;
In your flow, create a HomeyScript Run card that returns a Text-tag, and paste the code from above. Then in the next Easy Logger set-cell card, the #Result will contain the reference to the cell of this day