Note. The App is not approved by Athom yet. When it is, it will be here
Easy Watchdog (EW) is an App used to simplify management for alerting the user when different events occur.
Most of this is possible using flows, but this App is ment to simplify the rules and connecting the device you care about and get a alert
Flow Cards
When Card
These 3 are currently available
This card will execute when a alarm boundary is reached. The flowtag #alarm will contain the alerm message, and you decide whta to do with it. Typically a timelin enotificarion or a push notification is what you may want to do.
Then Cards
Is alive
The Is alive card will be used if you want to get a alert if a device has not been checkin in in ttl amount of minutes. You should fill the name of the device you are monitoring and the value. The value is only used to save the valu eof last checkin
Example: This will checkin at WD every time temperature is changes, and if time after last checkin is passed 360 minutes, the alarm will fire.
So it's up to you to find a reasonable value to monitor and set the ttl time to a value that may indicate it's not alive any more.
It's a good idea to monitor multiple event from one device, the important move here is to gather some indication about the device to be alive.
Is below
<coming soon>
Is above
<coming soon>