If you have installed the PBTH app and have a Price Zone device, this si how you can load the data to a sheet

Currently you need to manually create a tab in your sheet to match the name ('NordpoolPrices')

First create this HomeyScript

HomeyScript for parsing and creating a Nordpool prices input to Easy Logger

NOTE. Changed format for runFlowCardAction:

Homey Pro prior 2023: id: 'set-cell-delimited-data',
Homey Pro 2023: id: 'homey:app:no.bwa.easy-logger:set-cell-delimited-data',

This is an example of data that will come from PBTH

So if you need to test or debug, change JSON.parse(input); to JSON.parse( typical_input); and run manually


var typical_input =  '{"0":0.0849,"1":0.0826,"2":0.0826,"3":0.0808,"4":0.0815,"5":0.084,"6":0.0837,"7":0.0839,"8":0.0849,"9":0.087,"10":0.0859,"11":0.084,"12":0.0854,"13":0.0864,"14":0.0907,"15":0.097,"16":0.109,"17":0.1299,"18":0.1195,"19":0.1016,"20":0.0951,"21":0.094,"22":0.0893,"23":0.0852}'

var input = (args + '').replaceAll("'",'"'); // JSON.parse liker ikke ', men liker heller "

async function setCell(cellName, cellData) {
    try {
      await Homey.flow.runFlowCardAction({
        uri: 'homey:app:no.bwa.easy-logger',
        id: 'homey:app:no.bwa.easy-logger:set-cell-delimited-data',
        args: {
          'cell-name': cellName,
          'delimited-data': '' + cellData

      console.log("setCell ", cellName, " data", cellData);
    } catch(err) {

// use this to debug input from flow ...
// await setCell("NordpoolPrices!A1", input); 

const textFromJSON = JSON.parse(input);
const t = Object.entries(textFromJSON);

var cellContent = '={';

for(let i=0; i<t.length; i++){
  cellContent += (t[i][1]);
  if(i < (t.length-1))
    cellContent += ';';
cellContent += '}';

cellContent = cellContent.replaceAll('.',','); // nummer format konvertering fra . til ,

await setCell("NordpoolPrices!A2", cellContent); 

Then create this flow :

Then you should get something like thisĀ